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Number of Issues 37
Number of Articles 412
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International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed open access multidisciplinary journal. The Journal accepts and publishes research works/articles in English that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence in all areas related to horticultural science with the ultimate goal of expanding knowledge of the subject and contributing to the existing science and literature. The Journal has planned to: (i) stimulate scientific research among horticulture scholars and scientists all around the world and (ii) provide a forum for the exchange of information and dissemination of knowledge in the horticultural science 


ISO Abbreviation: Int. J. Hortic. Sci. Technol.

Frequency: Quarterly

Peer Review Policy: Double Blind Peer Review

Language: English

       Open Access Journal Support 




In Memoriam: Dr. Sasan Aliniaeifard

It is with profound sorrow and deep regret that we announce the untimely passing of our esteemed colleague and dear friend, Dr. Sasan Aliniaeifard, along with his beloved wife, Dr. Maryam Seyfi-Kaleler, and their cherished child. Their departure leaves an irreplaceable void in our hearts, in the academic community, and in the field of horticultural science.

Born in 1981 in Khorramabad, Iran, Dr. Aliniaeifard distinguished himself early through his unwavering dedication to scientific inquiry. He earned his PhD in Greenhouse Horticulture from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and later became a respected professor in the Department of Horticulture, College of Aburaihan, University of Tehran. His pioneering work in advancing modern agricultural technologies not only propelled the science of controlled-environment agriculture but also established him as a leading figure in his field.

Dr. Aliniaeifard was the visionary founder and head of the Center for Controlled Environment Agricultural Technology (CEAC-UT). Under his astute leadership, the center evolved into one of the most advanced research facilities in greenhouse agriculture in Iran, featuring state-of-the-art infrastructure—including a production hall, nursery hall, photosynthesis laboratory, photorhizomaster, specialized culture rooms, a robotic UV light system, production tier systems, and educational hydroponic setups. His innovative projects and comprehensive research contributions were disseminated through numerous international and national publications, as well as presentations at major congresses in the USA, Russia, the United Kingdom, China, and beyond. His work also includes the authorship of a book chapter published by Taylor & Francis.

Dr. Aliniaeifard’s illustrious career was marked by many accolades. He was awarded a full scholarship for his PhD studies abroad, recognized as the top international student for his scientific research in 2010, and celebrated as an outstanding student and member of the Talented Youth Program at Tabriz University. His academic excellence was further honored by prestigious awards—including a 1,000-Euro grant from the ALIB Institute for the Plant Dynamic Signaling Symposium in the USA and similar recognition from Wageningen University for his exemplary doctoral performance. He also received distinctions as a keynote speaker at international conferences in St. Petersburg, Russia, as well as at the inaugural International Congress on Ornamental Plants and the National Congress on Hydroponics and Greenhouse Cultivation. Additional honors include the Kazemi Ashtiani Award for Young Academicians from the National Elites Foundation, selection as an exemplary educator at the Fourth Educational Festival of the University of Tehran, and recognition as a top researcher at the 63rd Research and Technology Festival of the University of Tehran. His scholarly impact is reflected in an h-index of 35 on Scopus and 39 on Google Scholar, and he was ranked among the top one percent of scientists worldwide in plant sciences in 2024, as reported by ESI.

In these trying moments, we turn to our Creator for solace, praying that He grants patience to the bereaved family and the wider community. May the souls of Dr. Sasan Aliniaeifard and his wife and son find eternal peace in the hereafter, and may his enduring legacy continue to inspire future generations of researchers and educators in horticultural science.

Respectfully submitted,

Kourosh Vahdati

Professor of Horticulture President, Iranian Society for Horticultural Science

Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology


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Current Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, September 2025 

Research paper

Effect of Storage Duration and Condition on Essential Oil Components of Mentha aquatica L.

Pages 963-976


Mozhgan Shoghi Jamil; Ali Mehrafarin; Vahid Abdossi; Raheleh Ebrahimi; Kambiz Larijani

Morphological, Reproductive and Biochemical Diversity in Luffa (Luffa aegyptiaca) Cultivars

Pages 1021-1040


Rao Muhammad Tasleem Aslam; Rashid Iqbal Khan; Rana Mazhar Abbas; Tariq Rafique; Muhammad Ahsan Khatana; Hafiz Rao Muhammad Wassem Aslam; Abdul Qayoom Rajput; Muhammad Mumtaz Khan

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