Publication in IJHST is free of any charges for non-Iranian authors. For the Iranian authors to proceed with publishing manuscript after successful completion of reviewing processes. The total fee for the IRSHS members is 400,000 Toman and for Non_IRSHS members is 500,000 Toman. For paying the acceptance fee, the correspounding authors through clicking on the manuscript number would be directed to the online payment.
See "guide for authors" in the first page of journal.
All manuscript should be submitted in "Microsoft office word format".
IJHST accepts Word, and Excel files for graphic including cases. High-resolution JPGs (300 dpi) are acceptable for photos only. We encourage authors to submit colored photos.
Commercial advertisements are accepted by the journal only for the scientific conferences and companies whose advertising reports are about the journal’s scopes.
The duration for first decision on manuscript is approximately one month and for publication is around three months.
Please click the Register button at the top of the first page of IJHST website. Once you have submitted your registration, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you have provided, containing a validation link to activate your account. Your username is your email address. Please use the Log in button at the top of the screen.
Click the Log in button at the top of the first page of IJHST website. Click on "Forgot password" and you will be asked to supply your email address. You will then receive an email with further instructions to allow you to reset your password.
Please contact us at
Once you have submitted your registration, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address given, containing a validation link to activate your account. Unfortunately these emails can be caught in spam filters. Please check for the email in your spam.
Sign in with your username and password and go to "Account settings" under your account in the top menu.Click the "Personal Details" button, where you can update your email address and password, as well as your other personal information.
IJHST publishes OriginalResearch Papers (regular papers), Review Articles, Case Reports, ShortCommunications and MethodologicalPapers.
Each manuscript submission will be followed by a confirmation email to the corresponding author. Authors may track all the stages of publication online, until their manuscript is finalized and ready for publication. Log on to your account, click the article title from the available list of your submitted manuscripts to view the detailed status at every stage of peer-review and editorial decision.
Typically, reviewers are invited to conduct a review by a journal’s manager or editor. Editors usually select researchers that are experts in the same subject area as the paper. However, if you think you would be a good reviewer for a specific journal, you can always contact one of the journal's editors.
The reviewers will receive a notification email requesting for peer-review of the assigned manuscript.
As a reviewer, you can gain certificate of scientific credits towards the end of year by Editor-in-Chief.
Authors’ list and its arrangements are based on the list and arrangement that have mentioned before acceptance of the manuscript. If the corresponding author wishes to add or remove an author after acceptance of the manuscript, s/he should send a letter to the editor-in-chief or managing editor and provide the reasoning why s/he wants to do so. This request will be investigated and the corresponding author will be informed about the decision.