Estimation of Yield Combining Ability and Fruit-related Traits Using Diallel Analysis in Melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Document Type : Research paper


Department of Horticultural Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran


The purpose of this study was to estimate heritability, general and specific combining ability and the relationship between traits. Investigated traits were fruit number per plant, total yield per plant, average fruit weight, flesh thickness, flesh firmness, seed cavity size, total soluble solid, fruit length in melon. A complete diallel design was conducted for this purpose five parental genotypes were crossed and the hybrids were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Analysis of variance of traits showed a significant differences between hybrids, therefore the first Griffing method was used to analyze the combining ability. The general combining ability effects were significant for all parents in the evaluated traits. The specific combining ability of yield per plant was higher than the general combining ability, which indicates the dominance and non-additive actions of genes. High narrow-sense heritability for yield per plant, flesh firmness and the number of fruit per plant (0.86, 0.72 and 0.70, respectively) indicated low environmental effect for these traits and the greater role of additive effects. The highest narrow-sense heritability was estimated for yield per plant (0.86). The role of non-additive effects of genes in controlling yield and flesh firmness traits was greater than additive effects. Therefore, the preparation of superior hybrids using breeding methods based on progeny tests will be effective in improving the mentioned traits in melon.


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