Document Type : Research paper


1 Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, AREEO, Karaj, Iran

2 Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Kerman, Iran


Bunch fading disorder in date palm is a serious problem in date fruit production around the world. During their growth and development, bunches of date fruit were treated with amino chelates of Mn (2 or 4 ppm), Cu (2 or 4 ppm), Zn (2 or 4 ppm), Ca (4 or 6 ppm), K (5 or 7 ppm). The effects were evaluated on bunch fading disorder, as well as on qualitative features and quantitative traits of date palm fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.). This research was conducted on 15-year-old date palm trees (cv. ʻMazafatiʼ) in a randomized complete block design with 11 treatments in three replications. Fruit bunches were sprayed with amino chelates twice during fruit development, i.e. in the Hababook and Khalal stages. The results showed that all amino chelates reduced the percentage of damage caused by the fading disorder. The highest percentage of damage (36.67%) was recorded in the control group because it had received no spraying treatment. In treatment groups, however, the amino chelates had significant effects on fruit yield, seed weight, seed length, pH, TSS, and fruit moisture. The lowest amount of fruit yield was observed in the control group (44.5 kg), whereas all treatment groups staged a significant increase in yield. Specifically, high amounts of fruit yield were caused by Mn-2ppm (65.83 kg), Cu-2ppm (64.33 kg), Ca-4ppm (62.17 kg) and Cu-4ppm (60.83 kg). All treatments increased the fruit moisture content, compared to the control, and had significant effects on some chemical traits of date leaves and fruits. A significant increase in pigments occurred as a result of amino chelate spraying. In sum, amino chelates were significantly effective in reducing the bunch fading disorder.


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