Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Horticultural Science, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Department of Horticulture Faculty of Agriculture Shiraz University Shiraz, Iran


Some cultivars of grapevine have very compact cluster which adversely affect its quality and marketability. ‘Yaghouti’ is a commercial early table grape cultivar that has very compact clusters. The present study was conducted to assess the effects of mechanical and chemical thinning as well as GA3 application on cluster morphology and berry size of grapevine cv. ‘Yaghouti’. Treatments were chemical thinning agents including: NAA (7.5 and 15 mg/L), Ethephon (75 and 150 mg/L), Sevin (750 and 1500 mg/L) and mechanical thinning by a comb (comb thinning), applied a week after fruit set and unthinned clusters as control with 3 replications, 10 days after thinning, clusters were immersed in GA3 solution at 60 mg/L. Results indicated that berry numbers were reduced in all thinning treatments. Length, width and weight of berries increased significantly when treated with hand or chemical thinning. GA3 alone and Sevin at 750 mg/L in combination with GA3 treatment improved yield and the quality of berries. Total phenolics compounds, TSS and berries colour were improved in all thinning treatments. In general, application of Sevin at 750 mg/L combined with GA3 and hand thinning along with GA3 are proposed to improve quality of grapevine berries.


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