Role of Methyl Jasmonate and Salicylic Acid Applications on Bloom Delay, Flowering and Fruiting of ‘Elberta’ Peach

Document Type : Research paper


Horticultural Research Institute, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch.) is produced in most areas of Iran, where flowering is hindered by temperature. Using plant growth regulators to delay bloom is a suggestive measure to avoid frost damage. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of methyl jasmonate (MJ) and salicylic acid (SA) on peach bloom delay and yield.  This study evaluated the applications of MJ 0 (control, water only), 100 and 200 mg L-1 and SA at 150 and 300 mg L-1 at swollen bud and green tip stages. In ‘Elberta’ peach, MJ at 200 mg L-1, its combinations with SA at 150 mg L-1 and MJ 200 mg L-1 and SA300 mg L-1 together at the two stages (green tip, swollen bud stages) delayed blooming for 6 and 8 days, respectively. The maturity and ripening of treated peach fruits were delayed for 8-12 days in green tip and swollen bud stage. Flowering percentage amount (57.83-61.80%), fruit set amount (22.59-23.53%) and yield (1.69-1.72 kg cm-2 branch) were increased by MJ 200 mg L-1 and SA300 mg L-1 treatments compared to the control treatment (flowering percentage amount (39.31%), fruit set amount (6.25%) and yield (0.82 kg cm-2 branch). The interactions of MJ and SA had more impacts on flowering (89.53%), fruit set (33.22%), fruit weight average (124.93 g), and yield (2.09 kg cm-2 branch)compared  to their  individual application. The present study was the first evidence for the SA and MJ effect on bloom delay, flowering and fruiting of peach.


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