Morphological and Biochemical Evaluation of Resistance in Some Vine Rootstocks to Cicadatra Ochreata Melichar

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Horticulture Science and Agronomy, science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Horticultural Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Fahmideh St. Karaj, Iran

3 Plant Pathology Department, Qazvin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Qazvin, Iran.

4 Department of Horticulture science and agronomy, science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Cicadas (Cicadatra ochreata Melichar) are active in Iran, Afghanistan, southern Russia, Turkey, and Iraq. This pest stunts grapevine growth and dries out temperate fruit trees. This research was carried out to evaluate four grapevine rootstocks' morphological and biochemical resistance to the Cicadas. The evaluated rootstocks were Spoota, Nazemiyeh, Kober5BB, and CH1. A randomized complete block design was used with three replications and three vine rootstocks per experimental unit. Next to each grapevine stem were five Cicada egg-laying branches to settle in the root zone after hatching. Each grapevine's root zone was checked for 2-3-year-old Cicada nymphs in autumn. Additionally, the rootstock roots were sampled for measurement of total phenolic compounds, total flavonoid concentration, proline, and soluble sugar. The Spoota rootstock had the highest nymph establishment rate (3.3%), and the CH1 rootstock was the lowest. Kober5BB showed no nymph establishment. None of the rootstocks exhibited delay in germination and growth impairments. Total carbohydrates (4.03 mg g−1) were highest in Kober 5BB and lowest in Nazemiyeh. The CH1 rootstock has the highest total phenol amount (4.86 mg g−1), and the Nazemiyeh rootstock has the lowest (3.1 mg g−1). The highest amount of total flavonoids was observed in the CH1 rootstock (1.67 mg g−1), while the lowest (0.54 mg g−1) was in the Nazemiyeh rootstock. There were no significant differences in proline root content in grapevine rootstocks. This test indicated the Kober 5BB rootstock is resistant, the CH1 rootstock is highly tolerant, and the Nazemiyeh and Spoota were relatively tolerant to Cicadas.
