Pollinizer Influence on Fruit Quality Traits in Japanese Plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.)

Document Type : Research paper


Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


Most Japanese plum-type cultivars are self-incompatible and therefore cross pollination is necessary to ensure fruit set. Moreover, pollen can directly affect fruit development process and quality.  This study was carried out to investigate the effect of 6 pollen sources (‘Goje Sabz’, ‘Simka’, ‘Shablon’, ‘Methley’, ‘Myrobalan’ and ‘Black Star’) on  fruit quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Prunus salicina cultivar ‘Black Star’, and identify the most effective pollinizer in the north region of Iran. The results showed that the pollen sources significantly affected different fruit characteristics such as fruit set,  length, diameter, fresh weight, dry matter content and firmness. In contrast, total soluble solid, pH, total acid, vitamin C and total phenol did not significantly affect by pollen sources. Furthermore, it was found that the highest fruit set,  physical dimensions, fresh weight and dry matter content were achieved when ‘Simka’ was used as pollen source. Finally, these results suggest that the pollen sources had xenia effects in Japanese plum and ‘Simka’ is the most suitable pollen source for Japanese plum ‘Black Star’ cultivar.


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