Optimization of Aeroponic and Ultrasonic Soilless Culture Systems in Terms of Timing and Growth Characteristics of Lilium OT Hybrid

Document Type : Research paper


Department of Horticultural Sciences and Landscape Engineering, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran



This study aimed to optimize an efficient nutrient system to produce cut Lilium flowers while considering the recent severe water crisis and the high cost of chemicals and fertilizers. Lilium bulbs (Lilium OT Hybrid cv. ‘‘Zambesi’’) were grown in aeroponic (centrifugal) and ultrasonic systems with variable pulse periods. An ultrasonic system (on/off) time in seconds was considered 10/10, 15/5, and 20/0. An aeroponic system was 3/27, 6/24, and 9/21 in seconds. A modified Hoagland nutrient solution was applied, and plants were grown to the flowering stage. Then, plant morpho-physiological responses were evaluated under different systems and operation times. The growth rate in the vegetative stage and plant height were higher in the aeroponic compared to the ultrasonic system, but the effect of pulses was not significant. The
highest reproductive growth occurred in 10 and 20% pulses of the aeroponic system. Maximum root length was obtained in 10% of the aeroponic system operation. Maximum but unserious bulb rot was observed in 10% of the aeroponic systems compared to the others. Overall, 10% of the aeroponic system operation was recommendable for Lilium cultivation. Considerably, water consumption was less than half in the ultrasonic system compared to the aeroponic system. Also, the quantum performance of PSII decreased in the time performance by 50%, but it showed better results than the other pulses in the ultrasonic system. The findings reveal that the low water need in the ultrasonic
system is a promising achievement. Thus, we recommended performing additional experiments with different pulses and even frequencies to achieve better performances in this system. 
