Association Analysis and Estimation of Breeding Values of Table Grapevine Germplasm by Integrating Pomological and Molecular Data

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.

2 Horticultural Crops Research Department, Kurdistan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Sanandaj, Iran


Genetic resources in each country are valuable assets for sustainable development. Accurate knowledge of genetic behaviour and identification of genomic loci associated with important economic traits will help breeders to run efficiently their breeding programs. Fourteen important pomological traits were measured on 45 table grape cultivars during three successive years (2016, 2017 and 2018). The molecular profile of the studied cultivars was prepared with 39 SSR primers pairs. Genetic structure analysis based on the SSR markers revealed two subpopulations in the association panel. In association analysis using the mixed linear model, seven loci were found to be significantly associated with the studied traits at the 5% probability level. Breeding values were also estimated for the pomological traits using BLUP. 'Saghal Solian', 'At Ouzum', 'Garmian', 'Rishbaba Qermez', 'Taifi', 'Shahroudi', 'Sahebi Qermez', 'Lal Qermez', 'Alhaghi', 'Sarghola', 'Chava Ga', 'Qzl Ouzum' and 'Agh Shani' table grape cultivars showed high and positive breeding values for cluster length, width and weight. Whereas 'Garmian', 'Rishbaba Qermez', 'Fakhri', 'Agh Shani', 'Lal Sefid' and 'Shirazi' had positive and high breeding value for pollen germination, fruit set in open pollination and fruit set under controlled pollination. Finally, 'Sarghola' and 'Qzl Ouzum' showed the positive and highest breeding value for berry weight, flesh weight, cluster length, cluster width, and cluster weight. The cultivar with high and positive breeding value can be used as a good parent for the breeding of the traits in hybridization programs because they can better transfer the desirable characteristics to the progeny in each case.


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