Performance of Miyagawa satsuma Mandarin Raised on Swingle citrumelo in Calcareous Soils

Document Type : Research paper


1 Soil and Water Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Sari, Iran

2 Horticulture Crops Research Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Sari, Iran


In a two-year pot experiment, the response of Miyagawa satsuma mandarin on Swingle citrumelo rootstock was investigated in soils with different ranges of lime. Furthermore, in a field experiment, the plant growth trend, yield, and quality were studied in two regions (plain and piedmont) for 10 years. In the pot experiment, the highest shoot dry weight was obtained from soils with 14% total lime and in soils with more total lime, shoot dry weight decreased sharply. The most chlorosis rate was obtained in soils with more than 30% lime. The highest total Fe in the roots and the least signs of leaf chlorosis was detected in the soils with less than 9% lime. The average Fe concentration in the roots was about 7.5 times more than that in the leaves, indicating accumulation and deposition of Fe in the roots. The amount of available Mn was excessive in most soils but leaf Mn in most cases was less than adequate. The Mn concentration in the roots was 3.2 times more than that in the leaves. The field experiment showed that tree volume in the plain was always higher than that in piedmont. The trees of the piedmont had alternate bearing cycles. The yield increased from 23 kg per tree at the beginning of the reproductive period to 80 kg in the final year of the experiment. The best harvest time in both regions was early October. Generally, use of this rootstock in soils with less than 9-14% total lime, is recommended.


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