Investigation of Compost and Vermicompost of Water Hyacinth as Growing Media for Lily (Longiflorum×Asiatic)

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Crop Sciences, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University

2 Department of Horticultural Sciences Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University


Water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) is one of the ten most invasive weed species in the world that is spread over most of the tropical and subtropical regions. Due to the environmental and economic concerns associated with spreading of the water hyacinth, control its distribution is important issue. Water hyacinth can be used for composting and vermicomposting. In the present study, compost or vermicompost of water hyacinth was used as growing media for growing of lily plants (Longiflorum×Asiatic cv. ‘Nashville’). To do so, an experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with nine treatments and four replications. Treatments included peat moss + perlite (2:1 v/v) as control and 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of water hyacinth compost or vermicompost substitute for peat moss in control treatment. According to the obtained results, the tallest plants were observed in the control (55.50 cm) and 25% compost (55.25 cm) treatments. No significant difference was observed among 50, 75 and 100% compost and 25% vermicompost treatments. The highest number of open buds (3.50) was seen in 25% vermicompost. Results also showed that using 75% compost and 50% vermicompost increased nitrogen content of the leaf. Highest total phenol with 6.9 mg quer/g FW was recorded in 75% and 100% vermicompost. The maximum vase life (six days) was obtained in flowers grown in 25% vermicompost. In conclusion, water hyacinth compost or lower vermicompost percentages could be a substitute for peat as the growing media for lily plants.


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