Shoot-Root Traits of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) as Influenced by Different Irrigation Schedules

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh- 2202, Bangladesh.

2 Department of Horticulture Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh- 2202, Bangladesh


Frequency of irrigation to the crops is the key factor for proper growth and economic yield. Therefore, in the current study growth of broccoli plants was investigated under different irrigation levels in pot culture condition. Five levels of irrigation schedules were applied including I0 [Non-irrigation control], I1 [Irrigation up to 15 days after transplanting (DAT)], I2 [Irrigation up to 30 DAT], I3 [Irrigation up to 45 DAT] and I4 [Irrigation up to 60 DAT] with three replications. Maximum plant height, shortest days to curd initiation, fresh mass of curd, curd diameter, shoot fresh mass and moisture content of roots per plant were obtained from irrigation up to 60 DAT. Moreover, maximum number of leaves, leaf fresh mass, moisture content, root length, root fresh and dry mass per plant were obtained from irrigation up to 45 DAT while the lowest results were obtained from non-irrigated control treatment. Higher dry weight (3.37 g plant-1) and dry matter content of leaves (11.76%) and roots (18.94%) and root to shoot ratio (0.077) were observed from non-irrigated control treatment. Results suggested that irrigation up to 60 DAT might be optimum schedule for broccoli, but in terms of economic profitability, irrigation up to 45 DAT would be sufficient.


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