Biological and Agronomical Characteristics of Local and Introduced Plum (Prunus domestica L.) Cultivars in Georgia

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Perineal Crops, Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Georgia, Tbilisi.

2 Head of Department of Horticulture and Viticulture, Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture.Tbilisi, Georgia, Tbilisi.

3 Head Department Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Oenolog, Grapevine and Fruits Germplasm Research, Genetics and Breeding Georgia, Tbilisi.


Plum local varieties and forms are widespread in all regions of Georgia. Despite the wide dissemination of this crop, the number of cultivars is not quite a lot. Due to this reason, study of cultivars has been carried out in a collection plot of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, in village Jighaura. Eight plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars including: Amers, Bluefree, Chanchuri, Empresss, President, Stanley, Shaviqliavi, Tophit were used in this study. The following agronomic and biological characteristics were studied for the cultivars: calendar periods of phenological phases, pomological description of fruits, fruit chemical analysis and productivity. The results showed that average time of maturity was from 02.08. to 30.09. The average fruit yield in this trial for Empress and President Stanley cultivars was 88.4- 98.1 kg per tree. The weight of fruit ranged from 58.4 g to 26.2 g. The cultivars Tophit, Empresss and President contain the highest contents for soluble solid substance – respectively 14.23%, 12.81%, 12.64%. According to the obtained results, the following cultivars of plum can be chosen for further cultivation which can improve the local assortment of plum like Tophit and President (fresh production), Empress and Stanley (fresh/dry production). They are characterized by early starting production, high-productivity and high quality of fruits.


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