Application of Image Processing for Investigating the Effect of Nanozeolite and Nanosponge on Flesh Firmness of Cold Stored Cantaloupe

Document Type : Research paper


1 Department of Horticulture, College of Aburaihan,University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Biosystems Engineering, College of Aburaihan,University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Tehran, Iran


Digital image processing is an emerging tool to predict fruit quality; therefore present study was carried out to develop an image processing technique for investigating the storage life of cantaloupe. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) impregnated materials were used to prolong the postharvest life of cantaloupe fruit and the effects of these treatments were evaluated by 3 image textural features parameters and flesh firmness. The treatments were divided into seven groups containing untreated, conventional paper impregnated with 7% KMnO4, nanozeolite impregnated with 7% KMnO4 and nanosponge impregnated with 0, 4, 7 and 10% KMnO4 respectively in packages. Findings of the investigations showed that the nanosponges impregnated by 7 or 10% KMnO4 could preserve the quality of cantaloupe over time by maintaining its color and flesh firmness which could be a result of ethylene absorption. Nanozeolite covered with 7% KMnO4 was also a good compound to preserve the fruit firmness. Image processing features including Entropy was increased and Homogeneity was decreased during cold storage whereas, fruits that are treated with nanosponge impregnated with 10% KMnO4 showed less Entropy and more Homogeneity than other treatments. Moreover, all KMnO4 treated fruits had better values of flesh firmness and image textural parameters than control. A significant correlation was observed between flesh firmness and image parameters. In total, nano-materials showed acceptable performance in extending the postharvest life of cantaloupes based on the fruit firmness and our findings illustrated that the image processing technique can be used to assess the quality of cantaloupe fruits during storage.


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