Liquid Organic Fertilizer Derived from Black Soldier Fly Frass Improve Yield and Quality of Tropical Vegetables, Shallot, and Red-Hot Chili Peppers

Document Type : Research paper


1 Directorate of Research, Technology and Innovation Evaluation Policy, BRIN

2 Research Centre for Horticulture, BRIN

3 Research Centre fro Horticulture, BRIN

4 Research Centre for Social Welfare, Village and Connectivity, BRIN

5 Research Centre for Applied Microbiology, BRIN

6 Directorate of Research, Technology, and Innovation Evaluation Policy, BRIN


This study explored the potential of black soldier fly’s (BSF) frass as a potassium source and its suitability as a raw material for liquid organic fertiliser (LOF). Two sets of experiments were conducted to understand the effect of liquid organic fertiliser on shallot and chilli pepper growth and yields. The research was held in Lembang, West Java, Indonesia. The first study was held from September 2022 to December 2022 and the second study was held from March 2023 to December 2023. The first study is a pot experiment that used a factorial research design with nine shallot varieties and three rates of liquid organic fertiliser. The second study is a field experiment with the application method as the first factor and the liquid organic fertiliser rates as the second factor. The results showed the growth and yield of shallots depending on varieties. The highest yield was achieved by ‘Bima Brebes’ and ‘Lansuna’. LOF application increased shallot biomass improved total soluble solids in ‘Batu Ijo’ and ‘Tajuk’, and increased vitamin C levels in ‘Batu Ijo’ and ‘Maja’. Moreover, applying 5-10 mL L-1 liquid organic fertiliser increased the marketable fruit yields of chilli pepper, and a high rate reduced the unmarketable yield. In conclusion, black soldier fly frass can be used as a liquid organic fertiliser source and improve vegetable growth, yield, and quality at 5 to 10 mL L-1 rates.
